Rochester, NY

  • P 855.227.5072
  • F 585.454.0302
  • 500 Bausch & Lomb Place
    Rochester, NY 14604


Parking Locations

Directions and parking information for Woods Oviatt Gilman⁠ – Midtown Garage – 110 S. Clinton Ave. Rochester, NY 14604

From the West:

Follow 490 East and take Exit 15 to South Ave. Use the left lane to merge onto South Ave. Turn left onto Byron Street. Byron Street turns left and becomes South Clinton Ave. The garage entrance is just past Court Street and is a down ramp on the right in front of Xerox Tower.

From the East:

From 490 West use right two lanes to merge onto South Clinton Ave., Exit 16. The garage entrance is just past Court Street and is a down ramp on the right in front of Xerox Tower.

Midtown Garage

Free parking is provided by Woods Oviatt on Level A in Midtown Garage. There are designated spots for visitor parking in the rows on the right-hand side immediately after you take your parking ticket. Be sure to bring your ticket with you to the office so we can validate it for you. The entrance to the enclosed underground walkway to the Legacy Tower is adjacent to our visitor parking. Once through the walkway you can take the elevator or the stairs to the first floor building lobby and then take the elevators up to the firm’s reception area on the 19th floor.